Why Choose Our Idaho Falls Veterinary Clinic

We do all the regular stuff: vaccinations, lumps, bumps, sprains, fractures, vomiting, diarrhea, you name it. But there are some things that we feel we are particularly good at. Here are the Top Ten reasons to choose us!
1. We can get you in right away
We are generally able to get you in the same day, next day at the latest for non-urgent problems, but if you have an urgent problem, we will make room for you in our schedule that day. Just give us a call and let us know what is going on, and we'll take care of you. Click here to schedule an appointment on-line.
2. We are leaders in pain management.
Our Idaho Falls veterinary clinic offers a variety of innovative pain control options for every need, whether it’s a spay or neuter surgery, mass removal, or major surgery. Click here for more than you ever wanted to know about pain management.
3. We Offer a Discount to all New Clients
Click here for a coupon good for $10.00 off your first visit to our Idaho Falls veterinary clinic!

4. We are a Cat-Friendly Practice.
Cat-Friendly means that we have some special things and protocols designed to make our feline patients feel right at home. Click here for details.
5. We do dentistry right.
We are leaders in pet dental care at Sunnyside Veterinary Clinic, and have been for a long time. We had the first dental x-ray equipment in East Idaho, starting way back in the early 2000's! Click here to go to our dental links page. Click here for a coupon good for a free dental exam.

6. We follow the new and improved vaccination guidelines.
There is some exciting new stuff in the field of dog and especially cat vaccinations, and not every clinic has joined the 21st century. The new guidelines are safer for the pet and easier on your wallet. Click here to go to a page detailing the new vaccination program.
7. We have office hours on Saturday.
We are open almost every Saturday to help our clients who have work conflicts.
8. We have convenient On-Line Scheduling
Now you can schedule an appointment for tomorrow at 3:00 AM the morning before, all while sitting in your living room in your jammies eating a bag of cheetos. It works just like buying an airline ticket, except you don't have to pay up-front. You select the day and time. We'll see you there! All we ask is that you make sure you live in Eastern Idaho before you schedule. Just click here or use any of the convenient
9. We have a useful App
We have partnered with PetDesk, who provide us with a useful app that makes it easy to get vaccination reminders, allows us to update you on lab results quickly, and even lets you send vaccination certificates yourself from home.